A Pilgrim’s Day
As a rule the day starts early usually around 6am, if you are in a dormitory others are up and moving at that stage so a lie in is impossible, plus you are required to vacate by 8am. If you have a chance to lie in you must weigh the extra time in bed with […]

Hostel Life
Some of you may wonder what a pilgrim hostel is like so I thought I’d describe our stay at the monastery in Roncevalles. We arrived at the hostel about 2pm, we joined the line of pilgrims waiting to check in, we got our pilgrim credincials/passport stamped and then booked in, ordered the pilgrim menu for […]

Let It Go…..
As we flew to Germany on Sunday I was reading a blog from a guy who had walked the Camino and he described going to the pilgrim office in St. Jean Pied de Port (SJPdP) to register for the start of the Camino and how it didn’t quite transpire as he imagined it would. Rather […]

Excited and Apprehensive
Tools of the trade! Guide book, pilgrim passport which we will get stamped along the way as proof of our journey and the scallop shell, a sign of the Camino and a pilgrim’s badge down through the ages. It is almost 1:30am and I’m too excited to sleep. We are in Stuttgart for a couple […]

As I have mentioned to people that we are undertaking this adventure, the most frequent response, after an oft time puzzled look is; ‘Why?’ And my answer has been ‘I’m not quite sure’. I first heard about the Camino from a German friend who had undertaken the journey some dozen years ago and I was […]