Cabin Crew Prepare the Cabin for Take-off
So what is van life really like? Well it has been quite the learning curve for sure, we’ve had lots of helpful advice from experienced camper friends but much of what works for us has been discovered by trial and error. We’ve had to find the best way to store our belongings, figure out what […]

Do We Eventually Become Our Parents
When my birthday comes around each year my thoughts often turn to my mum. More especially this year as I turn the age she was when she passed away, at just 57 years. My mum was a wonderful person and an incredible mum, she was kind and generous with her time and energy. She always […]

Fasching Celebrations in Germany
Being in Germany this week got me thinking about different traditions and celebrations in the lead up to the Christian season of Lent. Fasching (pronounced: fa·shing) or Karneval is a big deal here and actually begins at 11:11am on the 11th November and ends at midnight on Faschingsdienstag (Shrove Tuesday). It was originally a celebration […]

Stumbling Stones – Stolpersteine
Through travel we can have so many different learning experiences. We learn about history, geography, culture, food, nature, wildlife, music etc. Most of these experiences are wonderful and create lifelong memories we cherish but some are more challenging and today I wanted to relate the challenging. While out and about in search of a geocache, […]

On the Road Again
Travel has always provided inspiration for my creative endeavours and after quite a hiatus we are back on the road again. The first stage of life on the road has been our move to Germany while we await the arrival of Tigín or new tiny home on wheels. We are about to join the #vanlife […]