It was an up and down day of rolling hills, with a couple of monsters thrown into the mix, but it was spectacular. Certainly up there with some of the prettiest Camino scenery I have experienced.
The morning was misty as we set out and as well as keeping us cooler it added to the atmosphere. We walked through green tunnels of foliage, taking the time to stop and smell the eucalyptus. We passed through rustic rural landscape, along by streams, by ancient stone bridges and trees, and through picture postcard medieval villages.
Tonight we are in the town of Negreira, the guide says it is 21.5km from Santiago, I make it closer to 24km and though tired from the day’s exertions it is a good sort of tired.
It was a mixed bag of pilgrims, for some it was just another day walking the Camino, metronomically putting one foot in front of the other, for others you could see they were worn down or carrying injuries from days or weeks of walking and still others wide eyed as they took their first steps onto their first Camino, their enthusiasm bubbling and infectious.

Looks and sounds wonderful Catherine. Wishing you happy and blisterless walking! Many thanks. xx
Buen Camino comes with the unexpected, the awesome !
Thanks for sharing your journey! Hope your companion is doing well!
Godspeed! Nita
Enjoy, sounds like it was a good start to your journey. Is the trail very busy this year? Wishing you many happy blister free steps!
So far so good on the blister front, thankfully the new boots are working well. The route is busy but not over crowded. Lots of interesting company.
Thanks is truly special Catherine and I know those first walkers enthusiasm was soaked up by you. Have a wonderful rest ready for the day ahead tomorrow.
Rest well and happy walking. X