From Bilbao we made our way to Sopelana, a lovely little seaside town on the north Spanish coast. We checked in to a campsite and set up our little home. We had provisioned for our stay on the way so we just had to rolling out our patio mat, our awning and set up our patio furniture then put our feet up and relax. It was a beautiful day and the sea was looking inviting from our camping spot.
Later we made our way down to the beach, me to have my first swim of the year, while hubby went on his daily walk. The water temperature was perfect but there was quiet and strong undertow so I didn’t venture in too far, just to be on the safe side. For the next hour or so I sat on the beach while naked Spanish toddlers threw sand at me, surfers of all ages, shapes and sizes limbered up before heading out into the amazing surf and I watched in trepidation as a young bride and groom had some wedding photographs take, too much dress…too close to the waters edge. I’m sure the photos will be beautiful but my heart stopped on more than one occasion as the incoming tide rushed at the smiling pair.

The following day was Hubby’s ‘Roundy’ Birthday, we had discussed taking the train into Bilbao for the day but in the end the weather was so lovely that all he wanted was to relax and go for a bike ride along the coastal bike path. So after a nice leisurely breakfast we head out. The sun was high in the sky, the ocean was turquoise and the bike path stretched out before us along the cliff top. We found a bench to sit and watch some paragliders as they skimmed the clifftop only a few meters from us. Afterwards we had coffee at a roadside stall. Then we returned home and relaxed before I made a special birthday dinner. It was a lovely day and just what the Birthday Boy wanted.

Unfortunately that was the last of the sun for the next three days and nights it rained and rained and rained, our lovely camping spot turned into a quagmire and I developed a nasty fluey dose, with high temperature, aches and pains, sore throat and rattling cough. Had the weather been perfect I couldn’t have left my bed! I’m on day 4 now and I still fighting it but definitely on the mend. I just have everything crossed that I’m the only victim, but living in such close quarters it seems unlikely.

Comment on this last photo: Hermitages seem to be feature of the North Spanish coast, we have come across a number already. This area is along the route of the Camino del Norte, the northern pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela. But it also seems to have been far enough north as not to have been as affected but the Moorish invasions. Which is why the Basque and Cantabrian culture, languages and identity have remained intact.
Happy to read about Christof’s special day, but sorry to hear you are unwell. Please take the time to fully recover. Hope hubby’s immune system fought off the infection without it affecting him.
Thanks Heidi. Unfortunately he wasn’t so lucky. We are hunkered down in healing mode for the next two weeks in a lovely spot outside Santander.