Admin and cleaning in Tigín is like housework when the sun is shining in Ireland. Once the kids are off school and the sun is out you want to make the most of the fine weather because you never know when it will end and if it will return for the rest of the Summer.
When we are on the road there is so much to see and do, always somewhere new to explore and for the most part the weather is ‘Baby Bear’….just right! But like any home, in Tigín housework needs to be done, all be it on a tiny home scale. So when we are starting to look a little scruffy or we are running out of fresh underwear or the cupboards are bare we schedule an admin day and hope it coincidences with some cooler weather.

Today was that day, after breakfast Tigín was cleaned from top to bottom, the floors washed and the rugs beaten, the bathroom and kitchen cleaned. We aired the mattresses and dusted and polished until she shone. We washed the windows and cleaned the patio, we even washed the family cars, Tadhg and Treasa our trust e-bikes. Then we gathered the laundry and wrote a shopping list. If we are lucky we have laundry on the campsite, if not we need to find a laundrette and while the wash was on we went to buy groceries and restocked the cupboards. By then the laundry was done and we are spick and span and ready to go again.
On days where we may not be moving on for another few days, chores may also include filling fresh water and emptying grey water and toilet cassette. There is always something to be done, but I would chose van life life chores any day over bricks and mortar chores, if only for the views.

She’s looking shiny in that last photo. Happy Traveling.
I hear you! When I travel, my life is so simple! I dont like washing my motorbike though… when in a town, I look for a ‘motorbike launderette’ and will devote some of even my food or petrol money to having someone with the proper equipment clean it up! So glad to see you all taking these years to explore. We dont get the minutes of our lives back, and they stopped ticking by and began rushing by when I hit my 50’s. Keep posting! My friends travels are how I see things I want to do with my own body.
Glad to have you along with us.
What a great team! I would like a team on my chores too
I’m very lucky to be part of this team, for sure.