A Charming Gem Worthy of any Bucket List
Seville is charming and I can’t believe it has taken me this long to experience its charms first hand. First impressions had me uncertain. After the relative peace of the countryside it seemed loud and bustling, with too much traffic and mobbed with tourists. Then as we began to explore, that all changes. Turn into […]

Katie-locks and the Three Deer
After a rather prolonged service stay at the bike mechanic we finally got Tadhg and Treasa back. We decided to make up for lost time, so over the weekend and headed out into the forest around Stuttgart to explore. The weather has been so warm here of late but relief is to be found in […]

Komoot and the EV6
I love a good bike path, whether it is the Waterford or the Great Western Greenways in Ireland, the West Orange Trail or the C&O canal in the USA, I’ve always enjoyed the exhilaration of being out in nature and getting to experience it in the relative safety of an off road bike path. But […]

Getting out of My Comfort Zone
Friday was to be the last full sun day of our stay so we decided on an ambitious plan for the day ahead. I had seen photos taken from a place called the Col de la Forclaz on the south east side of Lake Annecy, so in glorious sunshine we set out early on Tadhg […]

Gentle Rain Showers
I’m sitting here, relaxing under our awning and the rain that had threatened for the past couple of afternoons has finally arrived. I love the smell of rain after a number of dry sunny days, there is no smell quite like it, more especially as we have all our chores done and the laundry is […]