Onward to the Sea
We had been told that the forecast for Wednesday is terrible and at 1:45am the sound of the rain beating on the roof of our hostel wakes me, it is shaping up to be a wet one out there. And with 6-7 hours of walking planned, our longest distance so far this trip, it is […]
An Up and Down Sort of Day
It was an up and down day of rolling hills, with a couple of monsters thrown into the mix, but it was spectacular. Certainly up there with some of the prettiest Camino scenery I have experienced. The morning was misty as we set out and as well as keeping us cooler it added to the […]
On the Road Again
The Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela has, on previous occasions, been our end goal but tomorrow it will be where we begin our journey. This is the first time I have seen it without scaffolding, as it has been under renovations for the last number of years. It is a truly amazing building. We’ve enjoyed […]
Early Morning Musings
I walk while our leafy suburb, for the most part, sleeps. I just hear the sound of my footfall on the path, the gentle patter of the rain on the tree leafs overhead and birdsong. You may wonder what I am doing out pounding the pavements at ridiculous o’clock, but as usual there is a […]
Just the Memories Remain
To all those who have been following our journey, I just wanted to let you know, the walkers have arrived in Santiago, 634km and many new friends and memories later. As for the Car-mino, who knew the cure for tendinitis of the knee was the flu. Three days out of Santiago I came down with […]