A Walk in the Clouds
Today after several days we finally saw the sun again. While Ireland has been basking in glorious, and might I add rare sunny summer weather, Portugal seems to have inherited the dull, grey, misty weather that has plague Irish summers for as long as I can remember. The upside is we get to see the […]

And so it begins
Lisbon was lovely and we will return for a longer stay sometime but we were here to begin an epic journey and so on Friday morning early we put our backpacks on our back and with walking poles we hand we made our way out of town following the Camino arrows. The route for the […]

The Camino Provides
There is a saying amongst pilgrims that ‘the Camino provides’. So far it has done just that. Last night when we met a very helpful family who run the cafe around the corner from the apartment we are staying in. We arrived very late, almost midnight, after a 2 hour delay in our flight and […]

“Slowly Smiling”
Slowly smiling, thus went the chant of our trekking guide as we made our way up each of the three mountains on our trek through the Karen hill tribe villages north of Chiang Mai. Yuth our guide was part confuscian, with his long locks and goatee whiskers, part mountain goat and an all round chilled […]