To all those who have been following our journey, I just wanted to let you know, the walkers have arrived in Santiago, 634km and many new friends and memories later.
As for the Car-mino, who knew the cure for tendinitis of the knee was the flu. Three days out of Santiago I came down with a full on, unable to get out of bed, aches and pains, freezing and sweating at the same time flu. The great news is spending so much time in bed with the flu has cured my tendinitis. I’m also glad that it was I that came down with it and not one of the walkers, to be so close after so much time and distance would have been heartbreaking.
To say this trip has not been how I intended would be an understatement but strangely the good memories I take away will live long after the memories of blisters, injury and illness. And so I look forward to the rematch.
Buen Camino