A friend once said that you don’t walk the Camino, the Camino walks you and that if you are not meant to be here it has a way of stopping you in your tracks. After almost 340kms I’m sorry to report my Camino at least the walking part is over.
I won’t bore you with the details, suffice to say I have developed a knee injury which prevents me from continuing on walking. To say I’m disappointed and frustrated would be an understatement but there will be another day.
For now all I can do is view the beautiful historic city of Porto from my hotel room window, with some short trips to a nearby cafe as I rest and heal.
I can’t said the trip has been a failure because for me it has been less about the end goal and more about the experiences along the way, but I will say that I am putting a place marker here and when the time is right I hope to come back and finish what I started.
In the meantime hubby and friend will continue their Camino and I will shadow them from the comfort of a small rental car I’m picking up later today, not how I wanted to reach Santiago but needs must.

A view from my window
Ah, that’s such a shame, but 340kms is no mean feat. No doubt you’re very disappointed but you have achieved so much.
Enjoy the rest of the Camino even if it isn’t the way you wanted it. Nuala
Catherine I am on catch up with all your wonderful blogs and have enjoyed each and every part of your precious journey . You are truly amazing your spirit travels on but for now your body needs a little TLC . Take this time to enjoy where you are and how to draw this wonderful adventure to a close for now. I know you will return to Portugal and enjoy this beautiful country once again. Thank you for sharing, your friendship means everything.
Thanks for your lovely post Clare. I’m slowly adapting to my new travel adventure and giving myself lots of TLC, rest and more rest is the prescription!
What a disappointment for you Catherine but please continue writing your blog. You will still be part of the experience so tell us the little things that happen day by day. Love to the three of you. Nina ❤️
I will Nina, though I feel the richness of the experience may not be the same.
Oh, Catherine, so sorry! Camino of life is full of twists , turns
and bends in the road. Sometimes it asks us to surrender to pause!
Keep your beautiful spirit of adventure as you keep moving
along & learning… ❤️
I am sure Christof & Mel are carrying you in spirit…
Wishing gentle healing…
xox Godspeed!
Thanks Nita. They have been carrying me in more than just spirit for the last few days, but I’m hoping to find my own two feet in the coming days.
Well you just show those cobblestone roads who’s the boss, Catherine. Go out James Bond style! In all seriousness, I’m sad that you didn’t finish and while I don’t know firsthand (yet), the Camino always gives lessons for us to learn and grow from. Will look forward to the update since I love living the armchair travel life with you and Christof! Love you
Thanks Rob, lessons are definitely being learned, that is for sure. For all how difficult it has been physically, I wouldn’t trade a minute of it.
Catherine, I’m so sorry that you have to stop. I know how much you wanted to do it. Hope the knee is better soon.
Thanks Brenda. I’ve set myself a new challenge of getting to Santiago on small narrow cobblestone lanes, in a rental car, on the wrong side of the road, without getting creamed!
What a pity, dear Catherine. I hope your knee will recover completely as soon as possible. Glad to hear that you will be able to accompany by car. Sure your impressions will be different – nevertheless people you will meet won’t be. Maybe your different experiences will offer a new perspecitve and add an important new thread to the tapestry of your wonderful stories. Take care and recover soon! Bettina
Thanks Bettina, I appreciate it.
Catherine—I always enjoy your incomparable, colorful posts from your adventures but I was so sorry to read that your walking has come to an end for now. Jim and I wish you a quick and full recovery. Please send our warm greetings to Christof.
Thanks to you both, I’ll certainly pass on your best to Christof.
Aww Catherine very disappointed for you but I know you tried your best, you’ll be back, “ever tried?, ever failed? No matter, try sgain, fail again, fail better”- Beckett
I’ve said that after many a lost match it’s the effort that counts
Thanks Anne. Despite how tough the last few weeks have been I’ve loved the experience, in the immortal words of another “I’ll be back”!
Well, as u said, its has – FOR LIFE, for you – always been THE ADVENTURE, more than the destination. Some of ur fave experiences have been the people u meet at the stops along the way – the sights, smells, and tastes of the micro pieces of these long established paths of mankind to mind inner peace, meaning in life, sense of purpose, ‘oneness’ with the Creator and ones fellow man…. so soak it up and enjoy it. Be the amazing woman i’ve always known u to be, focused on what u CAN do, not what u cant, andcongeatulate urself on being wise/maturecenuf to realize when its time to stop, before u do something CAREER LIMITING to ur adventurous life, like pushing ur knee too hard, for too long. At least now u can spend more time making pix for us to all look at – everyone who reads tbis blog lives vicariously thru you two, ya know! Nothing but love to ya, Catherine. Give Christof a big howdy for me as well. /Elaine
Thanks Elaine, words to live by!!
Bummer Catherine, bummer. But what everyone else said above xxxxxxx
Thanks Lonelle.
Ahhh that’s such a pity Catherine, I can well imagine your disappointment and frustration. But look at how far you got, sore feet and all!
Take care of yourself now and rest that knee. Anne xxxxx
Thanks Anne, I will.
Oh, das tut mir leid. Gute Besserung! Ich weiß nicht ob ich alles richtig verstanden habe,
Wir sehen uns hoffentlich in Stuttgart und ihr berichtet.
Liebe Grüße
Danke Jacqueline
We are so sorry to hear that!
I know comforting words won‘t take the ache away, but be assurred that our love and thoughts are with you.
Shit is a good fertiliser as I always say, so I wish you that something special will grow out of it!
Giving you big big hugs and sending you love, light and comfort
Sabine and Gert
Thanks Sabine and Gert, I hope you are having fun break.
Sorry to hear that, Catherine. Wishing you a kindly and gentle recovery. Enjoy it from the car – it’s still the Camino! Love and best wishes
Sorry to hear that, Catherine. May you have a gentle and kindly recovery. It’s still the Camino – enjoy it from the car.
Will do, thanks.
Oh Catherine, I am sure you are disappointed, but good for you for looking at the bigger picture. Is Porto as beautiful as described in the tour books? Take care my dear friend. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Hugs and more… Heidi. xoxoxo
Thanks Heidi. We are definitely coming back to Porto, it is stunning, you can feel the history coming off the streets. I just wish I could explore it more. Bring your hill walking legs, it is steep!!
Sorry to hear this. Go carefully and look after yourself. X
Thanks Cathy.