New Roles
It started a couple of days ago when the walkers met a young German girl who just one day out of Porto, the start point for her Camino, had developed bad blisters. She was in pain and angry and frustrated at being in such a state so early into her journey. At that albergue that […]

Cafe Surfing
Yesterday I drove through the town of Barcelos and I had thought after meeting the walkers for lunch I might drive to the old town of Braga just 20km away. The bridge over the Rio Cávado in Barcelos Having yesterday realized I’m not a pilgrim, today I quickly realized I’m not a tourist either. To […]

Showdown in the Albergue
After another stretch along the coast the Camino continues inland along the river from Vila do Conde to Arcos, where it rejoins the main Camino route and on to São Pedro de Rates. It is surprising how quick the drive takes when last week it would have meant about 6-7 hours of walking. Hubby and […]

Change of Pace
Today I began my Car-mino! I picked up a nice little Franco-Spanish ride (a Peugeot with Spanish license plates) at the Porto airport and made my way to the village of Lavra to meet up with the walkers. After a couple of weeks at walking pace, it was weird to be driving and trying to […]

The End of the Road (Walking)
A friend once said that you don’t walk the Camino, the Camino walks you and that if you are not meant to be here it has a way of stopping you in your tracks. After almost 340kms I’m sorry to report my Camino at least the walking part is over. I won’t bore you with […]