This week finds us back at home, re-grouping for the next stage of our van-life adventure. We had a couple of reasons for returning, the main one being hubby is working the night shift this week, which means he is in bed by 7pm and conducts a 5 day training course from 3am to 11am each night. This presented two problems for us in a van, how he could get a reasonable night sleep from such an early hour and how would I sleep with him working only a few meters away with no physical barrier between us.
Other reasons for our return included, trying to sort out some issues we were having with the van, including an error reading on our systems control panel, not critical, more inconvenient. It means we have no idea how full our fresh water tank is or when we need to empty our grey water tank (grey water = used water from sinks and shower). We also needed to rethink some of our packing, things we packed that we find don’t work as we thought or we just don’t need and things we could do with to make van life more convenient. We also took the opportunity for some time catching up with family and friends.
So instead of taking time to admire the beautiful Spring buds that have made an appearance in the 3 weeks we were away, we have a seemingly endless list of jobs that need attending to and errands to run and there is nothing like chores to kill creativity, so apologies for this short update. We should be on the road again by next weekend this time we are headed the East of Germany all the way to the German-Polish border.