I thought it would be cheating!
One of my all time favourite things to do is ride my bike. Since childhood my happy place has been astride my iron steed, out in the fresh air with the sun on my face and a breeze at my back. But as I have gotten older my route decisions have been curtailed by gradient […]

Plans Change
It was time to head south. We had three or four days to cover the three hundred or so kilometres back to bricks and mortar. We packed up and pointed Tigín towards the Rhine (Rhein) river, along which the first part of our journey would follow. We had picked out a campsite on our trusty […]

It Finally Happened
After almost two weeks of cold, wet, snow and rainy days, yesterday it finally happened. The rain dried up, the sun came out, the birds were particularly chirpy and although there was still a nip in the air, there was definitely a feeling of Spring. All around us on the camping park, campers emerged from […]