I woke after a broken night sleep, the issue of my blisters and whether I could continue hung over me: If I keep going I’m not give my feet time to heal. If I rest we may not have time to complete our journey and also the reality that we are only a fraction of the way.
I examined our route for the day and decided to walk the first 10kms to Vale de Figueira and reassess.
The walk out of the walled city of Santarém was beautiful. It sits atop a bluff, so it was out through the walls down the steep, narrow streets and out across the neighbouring flood plains.

Beautiful Santarém
It was a lovely walk but again my total focus was on my feet and though I managed the 10km I knew that I had reached my limit.
Myself, hubby and our pal discussed the situation and I made the decision to take the train from a nearby station into the next big town Tomar, where we were due to be in two more walking days and where we would have an additional rest day when we got there.
And so it was with a heavy heart and a sense of disappointment and concern for the future of my journey that I left the Camino.
In Tomar I checked into a hotel for the next four nights with a view to putting up my feet and praying they would recover in time so that I may continue. Because of the severity of some of the blisters the next morning I made my way by taxi to the hospital and had them examined, treated and dressed. Fortunately the situation wasn’t anything more serious than time, care and rest would take care of.

Post hospital visit, the wheelchair may have been overkill
It would be a waiting game, I now three full days in which my feet would need to be sufficiently healed for me to get back on the Way.
Oh, Catherine, so sorry to hear of blisters blocking the way.
The journey has been beautiful! Wise decision!
You will find the Way with feet healing… prayers for quick healing…
Love n hugs, dear friend!❤️ Nita
Thanks Nita, feeling much better now.
Glad you were able to make the decision to take care of yourself and get medical care. Much love Tim
Thanks Tim. Feeling much better now.
Wise decision Catherine. It must have been hard but recovery sounds like the best option. I wonder if its the longer stretches between things that makes the blisters come. But feet can be fickle, so who knows? The photos you’re sharing are wonderful and I especially like the one of the couple where you stopped on for a break on your long day. We”ll put in a word for you “upstairs” to get those feet up and walking!
Thanks Rob, things are much better now just posted an update blog. Any words you can put in upstairs I would be grateful, we have a long road ahead. Hope all is well with you both.
That looks very painful Catherine, look after yourself and rest up.
Anne xx
It was sore at the time Anne but the hospital may have been a bit over enthusiastic with the bandages!!
Oh no, that looks really painful. Glad you are resting. Take good care of yourself. xxx
Feeling much better Heidi thanks.
Oh my goodness…. You must be gutted!
But, you know what, you have to look at the bigger picture – don’t risk permanent damage to your feet at the expense of the walk. Your health is way more important.
I’m so glad that you decided to rest up for a few days.
Keep us posted
Sending hugs and healing power
Thanks Sue,!the rest has done me a world of good.