My return to the Camino started in grand style, we quickly left the town of Tomar and exchanged the hard pavement for a scenic track through beautiful stands of eucalyptus trees along by the River Nabão.
Then we started to climb to our first stop of the day, the small village of Soianda and Café Balrôa. It was there we realised we are not alone, as pilgrim after pilgrim arrived behind us. It was great to meet other pilgrims from Spain, Australia, England, Ireland and Canada and swop stories. Most of the group didn’t linger as they had a longer walking day planned but with rain forecast throughout the day we were all watching the weather with one eye.
The road gained and lost altitude for much of the day and we got to tread on history in the form of a stretch of ancient Roman Road. You could almost feel it ooze history, ancient and modern pilgrims along with locals have trod this path for centuries.

Ancient Roman road
Throughout the day we made two stops and on both occasions we got lucky as the weather chose these exact moments to turned nasty. We got to wait out the worst of the rain and mostly stayed dry. final stop for the night was the town of Cortiça where Maria had a warm welcome for us at the Quinta da Cortiça. We had the whole place to ourselves and this newly opened albergue was perfect after another 12 hour day.

The newly renovated and opened Quinta da Cortiça
It has been a great day. Over 29.6kms (18.4 miles) walked, the new shoes worked a charm and best of all, I keep the dream of completing this adventure alive.
Sometimes we need to take a detour to fit in the divine plan!!! And the results are much more better than first expected – everything will be as it should be – all is well in its own way.
Love and light on your journey!
Thanks Sabine. Have a fun trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it when we meet again.
Thanks Kate, we certainly will enjoy.
Gert sends his kind regards, wishing you a blister free camino from now on.
Liebe Kate, ich bin so froh zu lesen, dass es dir wieder besser geht und deine Füße wieder gesund sind. Weiterhin viel Freude auf eurem Weg und Gottes Segen!
Danke Beate, Ich freue mich auch!
I’m so glad your feet have recovered. Everyone will spot you in your new trainers – they are like beacons!
It must be nice to have Christof and Imelda back with you. Onward then Catherine….. xx
Aren’t they just Nina. They do match my outfit though, it might be a first, I’ve never been one for coordinating my accessories. Definitely glad the 3 amigos are back together.
Looks beautiful Catherine. Buon Camino! Say a prayer for us along ‘The Way’. Enjoy the peace and head space!
Lots of love
Mary and Johnny xxx
Will do Mary.
Yaaaay! Buen camino!