Last week I gave an update on my progress after 4 weeks of Project New Me and I was happy to report all positive experiences and outcomes. This week has been more of a challenge and though reluctant to share my ‘failures’, in the interest of transparency I thought I would tell you about the experiences of the past week.
Perhaps I have taken on too many changes, or maybe the honeymoon was fading, maybe it was a change in my home routine and additional dining out or the anticipation of taking ‘the show’ on the road next week. Whatever the reason, I have struggled with aspects of my new habits. Surprisingly the vegan diet is the one change which hasn’t altered, but the it is the habit which I adopted first and has had longer to bed in. I have be more relaxed about my water and exercise commitments. Keeping limits on my technology usage is also holding but meditation yet again has proved to be a stumbling block.
Mentally doubts are also creeping in. Though people are supportive, I have found some of the comments, questions and questioning difficult and experience some of them, less as peoples interest and more like criticism. I believe this to be coming largely from my own insecurities rather than their views. It is something I will be considering in the days to come. For the first time this week I have begun questioning the wisdom of my new vegan lifestyle, but for now I will persevere. I am notoriously hard on myself and coming from a long line of perfectionists on both sides, I need to acknowledge and reward my successes and see set backs as just that, a set back not a failure.
So where to from here?
This is my last week fully ‘in situ’, with access to my own kitchen etc. From the middle of next week I will be travelling for 4-5 days, which will bring it’s own challenges, particularly as it will be my first time taking my vegan diet for a prolonged ‘on the road’ test. I am reassured that I am not blazing a trail, there are others who have gone before me and lived to tell the tale. And so this week I will keep the 5 habits I have outlined for myself previously and try as much as possible to implement them each day where possible or at least as often as I can.
Habit 1: Eat fruit and/or vegetables at every meal or snack
Habit 2: Exercise of 15 minutes per day
Habit 3: Drink 2 litres of water per day and go easier on the voices in my head!
Habit 4: Turn off technology at 9pm and start preparing for bed by 10pm, lights out by 11pm wherever possible.
Habit 5: Meditate for 10 minutes each day
Catherine, I love reading your blogs. Stay true to your vision and goals. Many people though well intended can plant seeds of doubt and insecurity in your mind. I also think some people can be mean spirited when faced with someone who is succeeding when they have not. Its very important to not care what other people think but to march strong and firmly along your own path that is custom designed to fulfill your lifestyle, wishes, and happiness.
Thanks Helen for your kind words and support. Even writing my blog has put some perspective on things for me and also an excellent article I happened on an hour ago which helped me realize my experience is not unique. Onwards and upwards.
For the record, Chiquita tried a vegan diet, for a couple of months. She said she lacked energy as time went by… that it just didn’t work for her as a 100% lifestyle w/ no ‘moderation’ in ‘meatland’. And she was an expert in beans, and protein alternatives.
Now i’m NOT in any way suggesting u quit giving it a go, feeding into a rationalization process, or whatever like that – I’m very proud of u & trying just ONE of those things (more water) to add to my own commitments re my hips flexibility, but i want u to know how it turned out for someone u knew, who tried the same thing, with the same commitment to ideals, since she cant tell u herself.
Near on to a billion Indians cant b wrong, but they have far different constitutions. Try going vegan while in India, w/ all the amazing ways they’ve found to create tasty, filling meals. Not in a country w/ amazing MEAT. I had a dinner many years ago w/ such a family, and it changed my views of vegan, tasty and filling in ONE NIGHT. HOWEVER, i would only want to perhaps LEAN that way – all vegan 4 – 5 days a week. The other two are DEFINATELY reserved for BACON and STEAK.
Nothing but love to ya, Catherine. Keep up the effort, get to know uraelf, and remember its PROGRESS not perfection!
Thanks for the live and support. I’m enjoying the menu and variety, just a couple of good vegan cookery books and surprisingly I’m not missing meat as much as I thought. It is good to hear about Chiquita’s adventures into veganism I suspect her energy requirements on a slow day far exceed mine!!