Taking the Show on the Road
As you will know from my last post, I’ve been on the road for the last few days and it has been an interesting voyage of discovery for my new found lifestyle. Firstly I quickly came to realise that there is a difference between eating vegan and eating healthy. Apparently you can be a vegan […]

What a Difference a Week Makes
Last week I gave an update on my progress after 4 weeks of Project New Me and I was happy to report all positive experiences and outcomes. This week has been more of a challenge and though reluctant to share my ‘failures’, in the interest of transparency I thought I would tell you about the experiences of the […]

One Month On – Project New Me Update
As any of you who have been following my recent blogs know, four weeks ago I embarked on a journey to a New Me. At the outset I decided that rather than turn my lifestyle on it’s head in one go I would add a healthy habit each week in a effort to reverse some poor […]

Week 4: Sleep Hygiene
Sleep is vital for physical and mental wellbeing and I’ve also read that quality sleep is an important component of weight loss. A few months ago I read an article about Sleep Hygiene (read more here) and it gave me much food for thought. Sleep hygiene is a variety of different practices and habits that are necessary to have good nighttime […]

The Voices in my Head
I’m two weeks into Project New Me and already I am experiencing a positive difference: increased energy levels, better quality sleep, improved mood etc. The addition of exercise this week has been a challenge, the internal wrangling that goes on in my head when the subject of exercise surfaces, would merit honourable mention on a who’s who list of the world’s […]