Wellness Week
Again it has been over a month since my last blog so I thought I’d fill you in on what I have been doing for the last few weeks. At the time of my last blog we had just said good bye to family visiting from Germany and the following week we went to Germany […]

And so after 4 months….
I know I’ve been off the air for a few weeks now but as it is my almost 4 months anniversary of my plant based lifestyle I thought I’d give you an update on how things are progressing. In the weeks since my last post I’ve been in the USA, Germany and Ireland, I’ve celebrated Easter […]

Taking the Show on the Road
As you will know from my last post, I’ve been on the road for the last few days and it has been an interesting voyage of discovery for my new found lifestyle. Firstly I quickly came to realise that there is a difference between eating vegan and eating healthy. Apparently you can be a vegan […]

WIN: What’s Important Now
A week into my project, moving toward a plant based diet and I have successfully scaled the first hurdled I set for myself last week, which was to eat fruit or veg with every meal or snack. It wasn’t too difficult to stick to at meal times but it really made me think hard when it came […]

A Journey of a Different Kind
So, I have been thinking about this for some time and I’ve decided to embark on a new journey. I am hoping it will be a journey to longterm health and wellness. Most of you who know me, know that I have alternatively won over and struggled with living a healthy lifestyle for most of my adult life. […]